Colin Mawby


Vocalconsort Leipzig
Gregor Meyer – Conductor
Caroline Roth – Organ

The organist, conductor and composer Sir Colin Mawby (*1936) is one of the most famous english composers of ecclesiastical music of our times. His works contains many pieces for choir, accompanied by strings or organ for advent and christmas. High standards of composition and accessibility for performers are perfectly balanced in these pieces.

Mawby's creative activities acquired a new dimension when he started to compose specifically for german choirs and discovered the phenomenon of the german „Pastoralmesse“, that became fascinating for him because it combines festiveness, joy and the character of music made for dancing. Typical for Mawby is his english style which is influenced by german sound culture.

This CD contains a „Pastoralmesse“, arrangements of several english, german and latin songs for advent and christmas and the piece „Tröstet mein Volk“, which Mawby composed specifically for Vocalconsort Leipzig.